Cara membuat Game memang bermancam-macam. InsyaALLAH kita akan pelajari di sini. Untuk tahap awal mari kita belajar membuat game dengan menggunakan notepad. Wah, apa bisa ?? Ya jelas bisa lah... kita tinggal memasukkan code script di bawah ini ke notepad lalu simpan di extension bat, lalu jalankan, selesai deh.
Game ini seperti game Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang harus Anda jawab.
Cara membuat Game Sederhana menggunakan Notepad :
1. Buka Notepad di Start, All Programs, Accessories, Notepad.
2. Copy paste kode di bawah ini ke dalam notepad :
@echo off3. Klik File, Save As
color 0a
echo Hai! Selamat Datang Di Game! Selamat bermain!
echo Mari Terus Belajar Banyak Hal bersama Rey Arifin
echo Kunjungi blognya :
echo 1) Mulai!
echo 2) cara main
echo 3) Keluar
set /p number=
if %number% == 1 goto Mulai!
if %number% == 2 goto cara main
if %number% == 3 goto keluar
echo Siapa Nama Mu:
set /p name=
echo Halo %name%!
echo Apakah Kamu akan mulai quiz? (y/t)
set /p start=
if %start% == y goto level1
if %start% == t goto menu
goto Mulai!
:cara main
echo pencet pilihan lalu ketik enter
echo pergi ke menu? (y/t)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == y goto menu
if %menugoto% == t goto exit
goto cara main
echo apakah anda yaking ingin keluar game?(y/t)
set /p keluargoto=
if %keluargoto% == y goto exit
if %keluargoto% == t goto menu
goto keluar
echo ok sekarang mulai.
echo berapa hasil 10 + 10?
echo a) 1
echo b) 20
echo c) 500
set /p answer1=
if %answer1% == a goto wrong1
if %answer1% == b goto correct1
if %answer1% == c goto wrong1
goto level1
echo betul mau lanjut level 2?(y/t)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level2
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct1
Echo salah mau ulang? (y/t)
set /p WA1=
if %WA1% == y goto level1
if %WA1% == t goto menu
goto wrong1
echo Siapa yang ada di uang 100 dollar?
echo a) Ben Franklin
echo b) Tommy King
echo c) Thomas Train
echo d) Jeff Dunham
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct2
if %aa% == b goto wrong2
if %aa% == c goto wrong2
if %aa% == d goto wrong2
goto level2
echo Kamu betul mau Lanjut level 3?(y/t)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level3
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct2
echo SALAH!Mau ulang? (y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level1
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong2
echo berapa 5x5?
echo a) 30
echo b) 89
echo c) 25
set /p answer3=
if %answer3% == a goto wrong3
if %answer3% == b goto wrong3
if %answer3% == c goto correct3
goto level3
echo betul mau lanjut level 4?(y/t)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level4
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct3
echo salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level1
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong3
echo siapa penemu lampu?
echo a)Thomas Alvadison
echo b)Johan Edvard
echo c)John Shore
echo d)Samuel Miller
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct4
if %aa% == b goto wrong4
if %aa% == c goto wrong4
if %aa% == d goto wrong4
goto level4
echo betul mau lanjut level 5?(y/t)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level5
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct4
echo salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level4
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong4
echo berapa hasil -20:(-2)?
echo a)10
echo b)5
echo c)20
set /p answer5=
if %answer5% == a goto correct5
if %answer5% == b goto wrong5
if %answer5% == c goto wrong5
goto level5
echo betul mau lanjut level 6?(y/t)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level6
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct1
echo Salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level5
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong5
echo Siapa Penemu Bakteri?
echo a)Orang Gila
echo b)Alexander Fleming
echo c)Alexander Grahambell
echo d)Muhammad Faqih`
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong6
if %aa% == b goto correct6
if %aa% == c goto wrong6
if %aa% == d goto wrong
goto level6
echo betul mau lanjut level7?(y/t)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level7
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct7
echo Salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level7
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong7
echo berapa hasil -40:2:(-4)?
echo a)13
echo b)20
echo c)5
set/p answer7=
if %answer7% == a goto wrong7
if %answer7% == b goto wrong7
if %answer7% == c goto correct7
goto level7
echo betul mau lanjut level8? (y/t)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level8
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct7
echo Salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level7
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong7
echo Siapa Presiden Amerika
echo a)Barrak Obama
echo b)SBY
echo c)Soekarano
echo d)Moh.Hatta
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct8
if %aa% == b goto wrong8
if %aa% == c goto wrong8
if %aa% == d goto wrong8
echo betul mau lanjut level9?(y/t)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level9
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct8
echo Salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level8
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong8
echo berapa hasil 3x(-2)=
echo a)-100
echo b)400
echo c)-6
set /p answer9=
if %answer9% == a goto wrong9
if %answer9% == b goto wrong9
if %answer9% == c goto correct9
goto level9
echo betul mau lanjut level 10?(y/t)
set/p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level10
if %NL1% == t goto menu
goto correct1
echo Salah mau ulang?(y/t)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level9
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong9
echo Siapa penemu telepon?
echo a)Orang Gembel
echo b)Adnan Majid
echo c)Alexander Grahambell
echo d)SBY
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong10
if %aa% == b goto wrong10
if %aa% == c goto correct10
if %aa% == d goto wrong10
goto level10
goto correct10
set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level1
if %retry% == t goto exit
goto wrong10
4. Simpan pada folder atau directory yang Anda inginkan
5. Beri nama " Game.bat " (tanpa tanda petik)
6. Klik Save
7. Cari file yang sudah kita simpan tadi yang bernama game, buka dan jalankan, selesai deh... Selamat belajar...
pelit ni adminnya... minta copas aja kgk bisa.. huuuuuh..
BalasHapusBisa kok-_-